Dragon Tiger vs. Baccarat, the similarities are different For beginners to play online casino. Some people are confused with many decks of card games. Such as Tiger Dragon and Baccarat probably because of both advertising. Both styles of play are similar. There are bets on which side will win. Today I will take you to know the difference between these two cards. How are they different?

Dragon Tiger, a card game for speed lovers
Let’s start with the Dragon Tiger card , this UFABET card is similar to Baccarat in that it uses many decks of cards to play (about 5-7 decks). Where the play is divided into two sides. The Tiger side (Tiger) and The Dragon side (Dragon) for bettors like us, just have to bet on which side will win.
The first obvious difference is the number of cards used to play. The dealer will only give 1 card to each side, which side has the most points will win. Which counts the points starting from the card A = 1 point. The numbered card has the same number of points as the face card number. The J card = 11 points, the Q card = 12 points, and finally. The K card has the most points which is 13 points.
And because it is a card game that uses a single card to indicate the result of winning or losing. Therefore, the time for placing bets is only a few seconds. Making Tiger Dragon a gambling game in online casino that takes the least amount of time to play