Improve your quality of life with 5 dimensions of taking care of yourself, both physically and mentally, to be stable.

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Physical and mental health are closely linked and inseparable. The occurrence of health problems that manifest in the form of physical pain, aches, and suffering may also be caused by stress in daily life. As the saying goes, a strong mind resides in a strong body. This concept has become lifestyle medicine, which emphasizes changing lifestyles in 5 important dimensions to promote comprehensive health care for both body and mind. It focuses on cultivating physical and mental health to be strong together through holistic care, as follows:

Improve your quality of life with 5 dimensions of taking care of yourself, both physically and mentally, to be stable.

1. Get quality sleep.

There is research supporting the idea that insufficient sleep can affect weight control, increase appetite, make blood sugar levels harder to control. And increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Therefore, getting at least 7-8 hours of quality sleep per day is very important and working women should pay more attention to this issue.

2. Exercise appropriately.

Aerobic exercise strengthens your heart and lungs. Adding weight training to your workout routine helps build strong muscles. Which helps maintain hormone levels and increases fat burning efficiency. It is recommended to schedule exercises 2-3 times a week, focusing on major muscle groups.

3. Good food creates benefits.

Eating a healthy diet should focus on fresh plant foods and avoid processed foods. Consuming high-quality legumes, colorful fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber, and foods that are rich in antioxidants is very important because women ’s health problems such as endometriosis, chocolate cysts, or uterine tumors can be caused by certain types of food. It is recommended to avoid foods that are high in estrogen, such as coconut water, and to maintain a normal weight. So that you are not at risk of obesity, which can seriously damage your physical and mental health.

4. Avoid behaviors that create negative effects.

Smoking, using alcoholic beverages and drugs all have an impact on the body at the molecular level. This results in an imbalance of free radicals. Drinking alcoholic beverages makes the liver work harder. Meanwhile, toxins from cigarette smoke or drugs can cause internal inflammation, damage the lungs and other organs, especially by directly affecting the nervous system, which can damage mental health as well. It is like repeatedly traumatizing both the body and mind. Therefore, it is best to avoid these risky behaviors that create negative effects, or quit them.

5. Socialize and build relationships

Building good relationships with family members, co-workers and society is important for maintaining good mental health, which has a positive effect on overall health. The World Health Organization defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or illness. Therefore, relationships and social connections are of utmost importance in human life.

Elevate your women’s health lifestyle in 5 dimensions by emphasizing holistic health care, nourishing hormones and various body systems from the age of 25 years and up, stimulating growth hormones to be balanced and work efficiently because they play an important role in strengthening the body, increasing immunity and helping to manage free radicals while women sleep. In addition, it also helps adjust antioxidants or vitamins taken to be suitable for the body’s use and achieve maximum efficiency.